Become a
Festival Volunteer
Want to volunteer at the Blue Mountains Music Festival?
Our volunteers have an awesome reputation for their energy, enthusiasm and friendly vibe. Some have been with us for almost 20 years! If you’d like to be a part of this great crew while experiencing some of the best music in the world - read on!
How does it work?
Your volunteer commitment is a minimum of 10 hours over the festival. In return, you receive a full weekend pass, a festival t-shirt, and the warm fuzzy feeling of being part of the Festival.
Volunteer Roles
Welcome Crew - You are the first point of contact for the festival. Greeting patrons, Checking Wristbands, Public Relations, mostly standing work.
Bar Staff – NSW RSA essential. Till work and serving.
Bar Set-up/Pack-Down Crew – Physical Work, heavy lifting. Working Thursday set-up and Sunday pack-down.
MC & Stage Management – Experience necessary. Includes security, supporting the musicians and the technical crew.
Electrical Crew – Experience essential, mostly in the week leading up to the festival, physical work in diverse areas to prepare the festival site.
Box Office Crew – Cash handling experience necessary, public relations, working a til and EFTPOS machine.
Merchandise Crew – Cash handling experience necessary, public relations.
Festival Bump-in/out Crew – Set-up: Friday day-time /Pack Down: Sunday late afternoon/evening – Heavy physical work with a team.
Clean-up Crew – Public Relations to help patrons understand the recycling system, no heavy lifting.
Organising Committee – The dedicated and hard-working committee members who go above and beyond.
Ready to
Before you apply:
All applicants must read the official Volunteer Guidelines
Once you submit your application you will be included on our eligibility list but not guaranteed a volunteer position until you have been contacted by one of our volunteer coordinators. This process takes some time, please be patient whilst we coordinate this.
We’re happy to try and meet your needs if you have kids, work, travel restrictions or other responsibilities, but shifts will be shared around in an equitable way.
Even if you have volunteered before, we will still need you to submit an application for 2025.
In return for 10 hours of volunteer duty (normally 3x3hr shifts + 1x1hr briefing) you will receive a full 3-day festival ticket.
Volunteers are managed by our wonderful festival partner Katoomba Public School P&C. The festival effort is the major fundraiser for Katoomba Public School. When selecting volunteers we consider your previous festival experience, your connection with the Blue Mountains community and your availability. However, we do accept new volunteers too.
Be kind! Together with the festival directors we aim to run another smooth and enjoyable festival. We hope all festival patrons have a great time, including you. Please be helpful and friendly to all including ticket holders, performers, stage crew, and fellow volunteers.
You will receive detailed information for your duties when your shifts are confirmed and at the volunteers briefing on the festival grounds.
Please ensure you understand what we expect of you as a BMMF volunteer. By signing up to become a volunteer, you agree to the official Volunteer Guidelines.